The War Before: The True Life Story of Becoming a Black Panther, Keeping the Faith in Prison, and Fighting for Those Left Behind
Safiya Bukhari (author), Laura Whitehorn (editor, introduction), Mumia Abu-Jamal (introduction), and Angela Yvonne Davis (introduction)
Feminist Press

By the same author(s)

Josh Davidson (Editor), Sara Falconer, Angela Yvonne Davis (Foreword), and Sara Falconer (Introduction)
Sybille Titeux de la Croix, Amazing Ameziane, and Angela Yvonne Davis (subject)
Angela Yvonne Davis, Gina Dent, Erica Meiners, and Beth Richie
Frances Goldin (editor), Debby Smith (editor), Michael Smith (editor), Michael Moore, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Angela Yvonne Davis, Joel Kovel, Michael Ratner, Richard D. Wolff, and Frances Fox Piven
Audrea Lim, Omar Barghouti, Naomi Klein, Ilan Pappe, Slavoj Zizek, Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, Merav Amir, Hind Awwad, Mustafa Barghouthi, Dalit Baum, Joel Beinin, John Berger, Angela Yvonne Davis, Nada Elia, Marc H. Ellis, Noura Erakat, Neve Gordon, Ran Greenstein, Ronald Kasrils, Jamal Khader, and Paul Laverty
Carla Blumenkranz (Editor), Keith Gessen (Editor), Mark Greif (Editor), Sarah Leonard (Editor), Sarah Resnick (Editor), Nikil Saval, Eli Schmitt, Astra Taylor, Judith Butler, Angela Yvonne Davis, Jodi Dean, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Zolt\xe1n Gluck, Elizabeth Gumport, Doug Henwood, Christopher Herring, Svetlana Kitto, L. A. Kauffman, Kung Li, Audrea Lim, Manissa Maharawal, Thomas Paine, Marco Roth, Marina Sitrin, Rebecca Solnit, Stephen Squibb, Sunaura Taylor, and Alex Vitale
Beverly Guy-Sheftall (editor), Johnnetta Betsch Cole (epilogue), Florence "Flo" Kennedy (contributor), Patricia Hill Collins (contributor), June Jordan (contributor), Michele Wallace (contributor), Pearl Cleage (contributor), Angela Yvonne Davis (contributor), Barbara Smith (contributor), and Combahee River Collective (contributor)
Assata Shakur and Angela Yvonne Davis (introduction)
Frances Goldin (editor), Debby Smith (editor), Michael Smith (editor), Michael Moore, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Angela Yvonne Davis, Joel Kovel, Michael Ratner, Richard D. Wolff, and Frances Fox Piven
Osborne Anderson, Vince Copeland, Monica Moorehead, and Mumia Abu-Jamal
Alice Walker (editor), Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Noelle Hanrahan
Tim Blunk, Raymond Luc Levasseur, Laura Whitehorn, Oscar Lopez Rivera, Prince Allah Cuba, David Gilbert, Sundiata Acoli, William Kunstler (preface), Assata Shakur (introduction), Marilyn Buck, Jamal Joseph, Kuwasi Balagoon, Sekou Odinga, and Susan Rosenberg
Carol Gilbert, Black Classic Press, Hisham Aidi, Jonah House Community, Laura Whitehorn, Marilyn Black, Marshall "Eddie" Conway, Natsu Saito, Oscar Lopez Rivera, and Rose Heyer
Safiya Bukhari, Marilyn Buck, and Sundiata Acoli

In our sections

African Diaspora
1960's social movements
New Left and Civil Rights

On our lists

Assata Shakur and Angela Yvonne Davis (introduction)
Jamil Al-Amin, Ekwueme Michael Thelwell, and H. Rap Brown
Fredrika Newton, Huey P. Newton, David Hilliard, and Donald Weise
Judson L. Jeffries, Nikhil Pal Singh, Melvin E. Lewis, Steve D. McCutchen, Miriam Ma'at-Ka-Re Monges, Floyd W. Hayes III, Francis A. Kiene III, JoNina M. Abron, Christian A. Davenport, and Charles E. Jones
Eldridge Cleaver, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (editor), Cecil Brown, and Kathleen Cleaver
Danny Glover (Foreword), Kathleen Cleaver (Contributor), Sam Durant (Editor), Emory Douglas, and Bobby Seale (Preface)
Huey P. Newton, Ho Che Anderson (Illustrator), and Fredrika Newton (Introduction)
David Hilliard, Fredrika Newton, and Keith Zimmerman
The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, David Hilliard, and Cornel West (editor)
Philip Sheldon Foner, Barbara Ransby (Foreword), Fred Hampton, and Kathleen Cleaver
Bruno Cenou (Author), David Cenou (Author), and Olivia Taylor Smith (Author)
Marc James Léger (Editor), David Tomas (Editor), and Emory Douglas (Contributor)
Huey P. Newton, Toni Morrison (editor), and Elaine Brown
Eldridge Cleaver, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (editor), Cecil Brown, and Kathleen Cleaver
Danny Glover (Foreword), Kathleen Cleaver (Contributor), Sam Durant (Editor), Emory Douglas, and Bobby Seale (Preface)
Dan Berger (Editor), Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Victoria Law, James Tracy, Fanon Che Wilkins, Michael Staudenmaier, and Andrew Cornell
Karen Dubinsky, Catherine Krull, Susan Lord, Sean Mills, and Scott Rutherford
Philip Sheldon Foner, Barbara Ransby (Foreword), Fred Hampton, and Kathleen Cleaver
David Gilbert (Author)
Mario Savio, Tom Hayden (Foreword), and Robert B. Reich (Afterword)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Author) and Cornel West (Editor)
Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture), Herbert Marcuse, and R. D. Laing
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